It’s this time of the time again, and we’re coming back to you to share the latest. New milestones, new projects, new horizons — we’ve got a little bit of everything really, but we’d like to start like we always do. With the numbers.
Total March 2021 revenue: € 1,389,052
March 2021 Revenue share: € 138,905
Share per 100 CPAY: € 0.154
Distribution date: April 9th, 2021
March 2021 Revenue share in ETH: 79.2720 ETH
Things have never looked so good for Bitcoin as we’re entering the 7th month of euphoric growth that began at the end of the last year. Having jumped and touched the $61k mark a month ago, the coin is now confidently trading just below. An important milestone for ETH as well, as for the first time in history it reached 2K ETH/USD. It begins to look a lot like a marathon, and we hope that our runners won’t be out of breath anytime soon.
Of course, the more powerful cryptocoins get, the more power they require: the technology’s growing energy consumption and its impact on our climate are disheartening. Luckily, there seems to be an emerging solution to this problem headed by Crypto Climate Accord that pledges to decarbonise the industry and make crypto green. The Accord, inspired by the Paris Climate Agreement, is a private sector-led initiative for the entire crypto community focused on decarbonizing the cryptocurrency industry in record time. You can read about their objectives and principles here and share with us what you think about this initiative and its viability.
We’re continuing with the steady growth: overall, in March 2021, the revenue was 5% better than the last month. B2B was up 25%, while B2C, without the additional revenue we wrote about last month, reverted to ‘normal’ volumes and was down 28% compared to February 2021. However, the card programme is continuing to grow and prosper (up 30%).
In B2B, we’re planning to implement a comprehensive and detailed approach to this part of the product by the end of 2Q 2021 and will be happy to share the news in the upcoming months. This will include team expansion, product development and much more. In the meantime, we’re concentrating on the current merchants and working towards partnerships with new ones.
Meanwhile, B2C has been much more active lately. First and foremost, we’ve implemented electronic verification for new users from the UK.
Electronic verification (EKYC) means that users won’t need to provide documents, only enter the essential information such as their name, date of birth and ID number. The process that previously could take a few hours now takes a few minutes, which means that our users can now interact with their new account almost immediately. Veni, vidi, vici!
You might have also noticed our new Savings page — a little sneak peek at the product we’re planning to introduce later this year. You can check it out now and leave your email if you’d like us to share the updates with you.
Stay tuned — there’s plenty more where that came from!
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